Student Life at Nebraska

Student Life at Nebraska

There are a variety of ways to engage with each other and the campus community outside the classroom. Discover upcoming events and catch up on the latest news for ways to get involved, find community and support your well-being.

Event Calendar

Students walk by Love Library on the first day of classes for Spring 2021

Upcoming Events

  • Dish It Up

    Join UNL OASIS Tuesdays at 12 p.m. for a lively discussion about current topics affecting students’ lives.

  • Connect with RSOs

    Find virtual events and information about Recognized Student Organizations.

  • Group Fitness Classes

    Check out Campus Rec’s library of group fitness classes or join live sessions.

Become Your Best Self

Achieve academic and personal success with these free campus resources. Connect with professionals and trained peers in-person, virtually, or on-demand.

  • Money Coaching

    Get assistance with a wide range of financial issues like building credit, managing debt, moving off campus and more.

  • Well-being Coaching

    Walk with a well-being coach while you learn to build resilience through techniques like practicing gratitude, cultivating self-compassion, focusing on strengths, and setting goals.

  • Career Coaching

    Get help with interview prep, job and internship searching, resume building and more.

  • Helpful Apps

    Find self-help apps and resources for relaxation, tracking and managing mood, and improving overall wellness.

  • Video Workshops

    Free on-demand digital videos to enrich your personal growth, leadership, and career prospects.

  • Academic Success Coaching

    Build supportive relationships, identify areas for enhancement, learn study and life skills, and create action plans.