Monday, October 10, 2022 5 tips for a safe fall break

For many students, fall break means traveling to either head home or explore somewhere new. Whether you’ll be hitting the road or the tarmac, review these tips to help keep you safe.
- Stay alert – If you’ll be driving over fall break, make sure you’re well-rested before hitting the road. If traveling with other people, try to switch drivers to avoid fatigue. If you’re driving alone, call a friend or family member using a hands-free device to keep you engaged. Drowsy driving and drunk driving have similar effects; a 2018 study found that drowsiness was a contributing factor in nearly 10% of crashes!
- Reunite responsibly – It’s exciting to meet up with friends from home and exchange stories about what has happened since you last saw each other. If you choose to drink with friends from home, remember to practice safe drinking strategies like eating before and during drinking, drinking water and pacing yourself. Make a plan to get home safely; keep in mind that in smaller towns Uber and Lyft are not always available.
- Reduce your risk during fall festivities – October is the perfect time for bonfires, pumpkin carving, and seasonal DIYs. Whether you’re trying your hand at making caramel for apples, carving a next-level Jack-O-Lantern, or making s’mores around a fire, be judicious about any alcohol use around these activities. Intoxication mixed with fire, knives, or kitchen tools can put you at much higher risk for injury.
- Recreate responsibly – If you visit a state where marijuana is legal for recreational use and you plan to use it, be sure to educate yourself properly beforehand. Take time to learn about proper dosage, serving sizes and how long it may take to affect you, like how you would approach alcohol safety. Do not cross state lines with marijuana and bring it back to Nebraska, as this can result in serious legal consequences. Edibles and hash oil can be charged as a class IV felony.
- Consider masking and hand hygiene – Although vaccinations and warmer weather have allowed us to mostly mitigate the worst of COVID-19, we are now about to hit flu season. Many of the same strategies used to fight COVID-19 are also effective against the flu. Stopping at a gas station during your road trip? Head inside and wash your hands for a full 20 seconds. Flying home? Consider masking on the plane so illness is less likely to thwart your travel plans.
Have a safe and relaxing fall break, Huskers – you’ve earned it!