Thursday, August 4, 2022 What's new and what's moved on campus for fall 2022

As you come back for the fall semester, you may notice a few changes around campus. Here are a few things that have been in the works while you were away.
- Moxie's Gluten-Free Cafe, the university's first gluten-free restaurant, is open in the Selleck Food Court and offers build-your-own salads, sandwiches, and pizza, a noodle bar, and desserts. Use the Transact Mobile Dining app to order meals and dine in or grab and go.
- The Center for Advocacy, Response and Education (CARE) has moved to a larger, newly renovated space in 118 Niehardt Center in order to offer expanded capabilities and better support the needs of the campus community.
- The department formerly called Education Abroad is now officially Global Experiences and has moved to 130 Louise Pound Hall along with the International Students & Scholars Office. The move is part of a larger Pound Hall renovation creating a new global education center that will house the four Global Affairs units (International Students and Scholars Office, Education Abroad, Programs in English as a Second Language, and Office of Global Strategies). Renovations are still underway and completion of the project is scheduled for the fall.
- Piper Hall, located south of Neihardt, will be demolished this fall and converted into open green space, with the option to use the space for other purposes in the future.
- Student Advocacy and Support (SAS) offices are now located in 1102-1104 Niehardt Center.
- Parking and Transit Services implemented a new virtual parking permit system that uses license plate recognition as permit identification. Garage parking permits will still require hang tags with the radio frequency identification that opens the garage gate arms. If you haven't purchased your parking permit yet, review the Student Purchasing Guide and place an order online.
- For initial evaluations, Counseling & Psychological Services now offers same-day online scheduling for students who are new to CAPS.
- A new therapy dog joined the ranks of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department to help break down some of the barriers between the department and the campus community.
- The Center for Academic Success & Transition can now be found in Love Library South 110.
- Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall (replacement of Mabel Lee Hall) will be completed and will open in the fall.