Saturday, March 5, 2022 This Week: 5 events to see on Wednesday & Thursday

We combed through the campus calendars to draw your attention to interesting events happening each week. Here are 5 upcoming events taking place in the days preceding Spring Break.
For even more student-focused events, bookmark this calendar.
What the Health: Beyond the Pill
March 9 | 10:30 to 11 a.m. | Zoom
Birth control isn’t one-size-fits-all. This 30-minute free webinar by the University Health Center will explain your options, including IUDs, the implant, the shot, birth control pills, emergency contraception, condoms and more.
Pre-registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Unable to attend the live webinar? Register and a link to the recording will be emailed to you after the webinar.
“What the Health” is a monthly 30-minute interactive Zoom webinar series hosted by the University Health Center. Each month, one of our health care experts leads a brief discussion about a different trending health topic. You’ll learn the facts and get tips to live a healthier lifestyle. Each event concludes with a Q&A where you can get your questions answered anonymously.
My Body Is Not A Project
March 9 | 12 to 3 p.m. | Two locations - Nebraska East Union and Nebraska Union
Promote body positivity with other people by sharing what you love or appreciate about your body. Art canvases will be set up outside both Nebraska East Union and Nebraska Union for students to creatively participate and share their message. Additionally, resources on body image and eating disorder awareness will be available for students to take.
This is a project of Big Red Resilience & Well-Being.
Maternal & Reproductive Healthcare for BIPOC Women
March 9 | 2:30 to 3:45 p.m. | Willa Cather Dining Complex, Pioneers Room
At this Cooper Conversation roundtable event, the topics covered will be prenatal care, access/barriers to care and birth control, and post-natal care for the child and the mother, both physical and emotional. The conversation will feature medical professionals, scholars, and advocates working to improve maternal healthcare outcomes for women of color. RSVP to attend.
SJ Sindu reads from BLUE-SKINNED GODS
March 10 | 3:30 to 5 p.m. | Andrews Hall, Bailey Library
UNL alum and nationally acclaimed author SJ Sindu will read from her new novel, BLUE-SKINNED GODS. The book has received acclaim from the New York Times; Roxane Gay; Publishers Weekly; and elsewhere, and was featured on NPR Weekend Edition.
BLUE-SKINNED GODS is the story of a boy born with blue skin in Tamil Nadu, India. Traveling from ashrams to the underground rock scene of New York City, the novel explores ethnic, gender, and sexual identities, and examines the need for belief in a fractured world.
Restoring the Sacred with Renee Sans Souci of the Umo ho Nation
March 10 | 5:30 to 7 p.m. | Willa Cather Dining Complex, Red Cloud A
This presentation is focused on #MMIWG2S and the history of violence against Native Women. The disruption of our Traditional Knowledge base and lifeways will be discussed, as well as, the current healing movement that many of us are engaged in, which is all about Restoring the Sacred. Register to attend.
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