Friday, March 6, 2020 March is full of activities to celebrate Women's History Month

National Women’s History Month is an annual celebration for the length of March to recognize and appreciate contributions from women throughout history. The month’s purpose is to acknowledge the impact that women have made over time, and to expand the idea of what women can do. It helps to alleviate bias and institutional marginalization of not just women, but all minorities.
Pat Tetreault, director of the UNL Women’s Center, believes in the power of widening the scope of history to give visibility to voices that have previously been silenced.
“Women deserve as much recognition as anyone or any group that has contributed to history. If we only provide a narrow view of contributions and achievements, then our view of history is inaccurate and biased,” said Tetreault.
This year’s theme is Women Lead the Way– acknowledging that women are still a minority in upper-level administration or management positions, and aiming to uplift women to realize their leadership potential. This common theme can be seen in many of this month's events focusing on improving confidence, professional skills and knowing your own worth.
Students can be a driving force behind Women’s History month. Discovering how women lead creates a community that recognizes everyone’s contributions.
“By lifting up women, seeing and acknowledging all that women contribute to our families, our communities, the groups we belong to, and our workplaces, we help everyone recognize the value that all women bring to any environment we are in” Tetreault said.
Featured events occuring this month at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are listed below. View additional details here.
March 9: Ways that Women Lead: A Panel & Discussion
Red Cloud A Room, Willa Cather Dining Center | 4:30– 6:30 p.m.
Hosted by the Residence Life MADE committee, this panel discussion will host six UNL women who are also leaders within the community. There will be opportunity for topical Q&As alongside refreshments.
March 10: Fresh Check Day
Nebraska Union Centennial Room | 12– 3 p.m.
This UNL-wide event features booths highlighting a variety of topics relevant to students. Subjects include mental health, stigma reduction, positive life skills, and body image positivity. Students are encouraged to interact with and learn from the activities.
March 10: “Girls Rising” Film Screening & Discussion
Nebraska Union Swanson Auditorium | 5:30– 9 p.m.
Sponsored by Global Studies & the Women’s Center, this documentary follows nine girls pursuing education in developing countries. The showing will be followed by a panel discussion with faculty and community members who work to empower girls both domestically and internationally.
March 12: Women's History Month Dinner: "Women Leading the Way"
Nebraska Champion’s Club | 6– 8 p.m.
Come celebrate Women’s History Month at the annual banquet. The all-women acapella group Boots n’ Cats will perform, and the keynote speaker will be Dr. Nkenge Friday, UNL’s assistant vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion. Awards will also be presented alongside fine dining.
March 13: James A Rawley Conference in the Humanities: "Who Was a Suffragist? A More Diverse View"
Nebraska Union Auditorium | 5:30– 7 p.m.
The Rawley Conference serves as a forum for graduate students from all disciplines to present their work for feedback from faculty. Dr. Cathleen D. Cahill, associate professor of history at Pennsylvania State University will be the keynote speaker.
March 14: Lincoln Women's March
Meets at Nebraska Union Plaza; march to Capitol | 1– 4 p.m.
The annual Women’s March is a chance for local residents to show their support for women’s rights, women in their lives, and advocate for issues that affect women in general. It is also a way to communicate with local lawmakers about their priorities in upcoming elections.
March 17: Lunch & Learn: Patti Philips
Memorial Stadium | 12– 1:30 p.m.
Husker Athletics will be hosting this Lunch & Learn event, featuring Patti Philips from Women leaders in College Sports.
March 17: Professional Development Series: Leadership
Nebraska Union Room 340 | 12– 12:45 p.m.
Stop by the Women’s Center for the second in a series of professional development workshops. You’ll learn about crucial leadership skills to advance your education and career, while enjoying refreshments.
April 3: Gender & Gender Equity Conference: Changing the Narrative
Nebraska Union– Regency Suite & Heritage Room | 8:30 a.m.– 3:30 p.m.
This day-long conference focuses on gender equity and all things gender.