Friday, May 29, 2020 Hit the streets for Global Running Day, June 3

Global Running Day (G.R.D.) is a worldwide celebration of running that encourages everyone to get moving. Started in 2009 as ‘National Running Day’, it became Global Running Day in 2016 and is observed annually on the first Wednesday of June.
Running offers more than a fitness activity – it connects you to nature and the physical environment; relieves stress and anxiety; and offers an activity to build friendships and community – even virtually during this time of global pandemic.
Here are four ways to enjoy an awesome G.R.D. on Wednesday.
- Take the Pledge. has an online pledge form for you to declare your intention to run on June 3, either as an individual or as part of a team. You can also search for local events happening in your area or join the free virtual 1 Mile Race hosted by the NYRR and Strava.
- Get Plogging. Clean up your community streets (or trails) by plogging: the combo of jogging and picking up litter (Swedish: plocka upp). Reportedly started in Sweden a few years ago as an actual organized activity, the concept has spread around the globe. Not only do you get the benefits of running, you also add in body movements like bending, squatting, and stretching, and you are cleaning up the earth too. Read more here.
- Create Art. If it bores you to count the miles while running, then consider a new perspective: create large-scale GPS art. Use your local streets and trails to sketch outlines of animals, objects, people, or even words. Some run-artists use a multitude of runs over a period of time to complete a single elaborate piece of art. All you need is a GPS run tracker/app to map out and record your artwork. Get more inspiration and instructions here.
- Connect with locals. It’s likely your community has a running club or running store who are planning events you can join. Near campus in downtown Lincoln, check out the Lincoln Running Company (1213 Q Street); in south Lincoln, there’s Fleet Feet Lincoln (7701 Pioneers Blvd). To meet fellow runners, connect with the UNL Running Club and the Lincoln Track Club.