Tuesday, September 12, 2023 8 things to know for game day
![Students attend tailgates in the Meier Commons before a football game at University of Nebraska–Lincoln in 2022. [Student Affairs]](/student-affairs/sites/unl.edu.student-affairs/files/media/image/student-tailgate-2022.jpg)
The first home football game of the season is upon us. Whether you’re a new student wondering what you need to know or a repeat season ticket holder wondering if anything has changed, we’ve got you covered with 8 things you need to know for game day in Lincoln.
Check Your Parking – If you park your car on campus, pay attention to the lot you park in as there have been some changes to event parking on game days. Students with residential parking permits need to display an event sticker. If you’re concerned about getting ticketed or towed on game day, check with Parking Services for more information.
Student Tailgates – Check out the tailgates open to students on campus. There is a student tailgate area north of the Nebraska Union. Here are four tailgating tips:
- Represent Husker Nation: Tailgating is a social event, so it is important to be respectful of others and visiting guests.
- Keep It Clean: Pick up your space and recycle your cans or water bottles before heading into the game.
- Celebrate with Friends: Tailgating is a fun way to enjoy the company of your friends and cheer on your team.
- Don't Get Punted: Watch your friends and yourself so you don't get removed from the tailgate or game.
Prepare for the Weather – When it comes to weather in Nebraska, you never know what you might get. Be sure to check the weather ahead of time and prepare appropriately. In September, game days usually are still hot so make sure to sunscreen up – and if it’s 90 degrees, leave the cute shacket or warm coat at home. When the temperatures drop in the fall, make the switch from shorts to layers to stay warm.
Hydrate – On hot game days, be sure to drink lots of water throughout the day. This is extra important if you choose to drink alcohol as it will dehydrate you faster, making it extra important to replenish your fluids.
Practice Alcohol Safety – If you choose to drink alcohol, use alcohol safety strategies to lower your risk. Drink lots of water and eat a protein-heavy meal before drinking. Keep track of the amount of alcohol you have consumed throughout the day and alternate with non-alcohol beverages. If it is a night game, please pace yourself for a long day. Find a late morning activity that does not involve drinking, like: working out at the recreation center on East Campus, get ahead of homework, invite friends to a breakfast brunch.
Clear Bag Policy – If you’re planning to attend the football game, make sure you have an approved clear bag and are following the Nebraska Athletics policies. Nothing is a bigger bummer than being forced to throw out your belongings or having to miss the kickoff to return them to the car.
Keep Buildings Safe – Game days bring an exciting atmosphere to campus with students, alumni, and community members coming together to support the Huskers. However, it’s extra important to ensure you pay close attention to your surroundings to help keep the UNL community safe. Do not prop doors to the residence halls open or allow people to “piggyback” in behind you without swiping their card. If you exit a door that is supposed to be locked, be sure it closes and latches behind you.
Be a Good Neighbor – If you are hosting a watch party, make sure to be conscious of your neighbors. Whether you are in your residence hall room or getting together at a friend’s home, be mindful of the noise level of your gathering and pick up all trash as soon as it ends.
For additional safety tips related to alcohol and other drugs, check out this UNL website.
Want an Alcohol and Other Drugs presentation or program for your RSO, chapter, or group? Connect with Jon Gayer, assistant director for alcohol and drug education, at jgayer3@unl.edu and 402-472-2583.