Tuesday, January 10, 2017 46 Greek leaders participate in suicide prevention training
As most students returned to campus on Sunday, Jan. 8, leaders of the fraternity and sorority community at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln tackled a tough topic—suicide. Presidents from 46 organizations attended QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Program training led by Nebraska Youth Suicide Prevention Project Region V, a grant-funded project focused on bystander intervention.
Presenters reviewed the three steps of Question, Persuade and Refer (QPR) to help save lives, emphasizing that you can make a difference.
“QPR gives chapter leaders the confidence and the tools they need to help their members who may be going through a rough time,” said London Sindelar, president of Alpha Delta Pi. “Everyone is responsible for suicide prevention and mental health. If you are concerned about someone you have to be the one to speak up. It is ok to ask someone if they are suicidal, and it is important to know the resources in your community.”
Risk management training is nothing new for the Greek community where organizations and governing councils often host seminars for members. However, this was the first year the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life coordinated the suicide prevention training for organization leaders.
“Students identified a need for formal training on tough issues, like suicide, and how to help their peers," said Linda Schwartzkopf, director of the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. "Our chapter leaders' willingness to attend the training before spring classes began was ideal since data shows an increased need during the second semester.”