Emily Austin
Gretna, NE
There is something so special about being able to give advice and knowledge to create a community of students.

Seth Caines
Hanover Park, IL
I gained different experiences from the two different organizations, but both have elevated me as a student and a future worker.

Sarah Carlson
Rapid City, SD
Campus Recreation has helped develop me into the strong and confident woman I am today.

Yahaira Castro
Being involved in all the organizations that I am involved in has made it a lot easier to be able to keep my constant motivation – and Kappa Delta Chi especially.

Cameron Collier
Marysville, KS
The amount of connection that you make through ASUN is insane but also the friendships that you have are near and dear.

Hunter Godina
Saint Charles, IL
When I started college, I didn’t know much about suicide prevention or about mental health and advocacy in general.

Alexis Goodenberger
McCook, NE
I like to think that the amount of effort you put in is the amount of experience that you’ll get out of it.

Danielle Higgins
Dalton, NE
Being a member of a sorority has allowed me to become more confident in myself.

Lydia Hoffman
Humboldt, SD
Serving as the president of the Residence Hall Association has led me to grow as a leader, mentor and friend.

Batool Ibrahim
Lincoln, NE
I think the moment where my leadership and experiences as a student all honed together to really launch was when I founded the BSU Care Bags initiative.

Taylor Jarvis
Lincoln, NE
The communications skills that I’ve been able to develop have really allowed me to set myself apart in internships.

Madison Maloney
Las Vegas, NV
One on-campus experience has definitely been the learning communities peer mentor—learning all those soft skills like communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving are just so versatile and vital to the workforce and post-grad.

Clarissa Mason
Huntley, IL
I think the most transformational experience for me has been the peer mentor position for the Learning Communities. It’s allowed me to work with students in a much deeper, personal environment than I have before.

Alex Neill
Nashville, TN
My favorite student experience with leadership that I’ve been able to take part of has probably been the student advisory board for the housing committee.

Kara Peightal
Through Husker GROW, I’ve definitely been able to know my strengths a lot better. Get what I’m getting out of the job and actually acknowledge what I’m getting out of the job rather than going through the job, doing it and then going on not really knowing what I really got out of it.

Ellie Russell
ASUN was incredibly impactful not just in friendships but in learning about leadership in general.

Viangri Sontay Lopez
Grand Island, NE
I’m involved in so many things on campus now that I wouldn’t have been able to do if I didn’t start from the very beginning with NCPA kind of like giving me that carrot stick of ‘you’re going to do great things, but we’re going to have to push you to do those things.'

Sophia Thomas
Through Husker GROW conversations, I’ve learned that I can use more conflict management, more leadership skills in my future. My major is political science, so I’ll be involved in a lot of group projects and talking to people that I don’t know and am not familiar with.

Christina Trinh
Lincoln, NE
ASUN has really helped me figure out who I want to be as an up and coming professional.
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Emily Austin
Gretna, NE
There is something so special about being able to give advice and knowledge to create a community of students.

The on-campus learning experience that has been the most beneficial and transformational for me has to be my peer mentor position. That has helped me develop as an individual and really reflect on my own experiences as a college student and give that to people who are looking up to me.
Before coming to college I really had no idea what I wanted to do, but as I’ve been able to start to find leadership experience here, I’ve really been able to find what I love to do – and what I love to do is to help others find their passions because when I first started I had no idea what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be. Through jobs like my peer mentor position and my student ambassador position with the Explore Center, I’ve found that I love helping others find their passion and what they want to do and been able to figure out my career plans. I want to be an academic advisor and go into higher education to work with students like myself who didn’t know what they wanted to do.
Seth Caines
Hanover Park, IL
I gained different experiences from the two different organizations, but both have elevated me as a student and a future worker.

"As chair for the Environmental Sustainability Committee within ASUN and a part of the McNair Scholars Program, which is a research program here on campus, I’ve developed my leadership skills a lot in different ways and broadened my experiences within my time here at UNL. Technical-wise I learned a lot of lab procedures that I would generally learn in my degree through McNair, and through ASUN I learned more socially how to properly communicate with people and how to be a more effective leader and work with a team."
Sarah Carlson
Rapid City, SD
Campus Recreation has helped develop me into the strong and confident woman I am today.

Working as a staff assistant for sport programs at Campus Recreation has helped develop me into the strong and confident woman I am today. Having the opportunity to strengthen my communication, problem-solving, and adaptability has already and will continue to benefit me in my future career. Husker GROW has helped me to realize that these skills I use at work are applicable in many areas of my life.
Yahaira Castro
Being involved in all the organizations that I am involved in has made it a lot easier to be able to keep my constant motivation – and Kappa Delta Chi especially.
"Being surrounded by all of the women who have likeminded mindsets as me and goals and aspirations, or come from similar backgrounds as me has been very beneficial with making sure that I keep my motivation. We study together. We cry together. We rant together about frustrations about being a minority, often, and that keeps us very close-knit, but also keeps us safe within one another as well."
Cameron Collier
Marysville, KS
The amount of connection that you make through ASUN is insane but also the friendships that you have are near and dear.

"I got involved my sophomore year in standing committees – just made a lot of good friends and connections on campus with administrators, faculty, and just students as well. I’ve stuck with them through the entire time and excelled in my leadership through ASUN, going through positions and moving up to the executive team."
Hunter Godina
Saint Charles, IL
When I started college, I didn’t know much about suicide prevention or about mental health and advocacy in general.
"It was during my freshman year seeing a friend battle with his struggles with mental health and with suicidal ideation that I realized just how important the resources here on campus were. Without question working here with Big Red Resilience & Well-being as a REACH trainer has been the most transformative experience I’ve had as a leader on campus."
Alexis Goodenberger
McCook, NE
I like to think that the amount of effort you put in is the amount of experience that you’ll get out of it.
Danielle Higgins
Dalton, NE
Being a member of a sorority has allowed me to become more confident in myself.

"The Gamma Phi Beta sorority has pushed me to pursue my goals in college, and also pushed me outside of my comfort zone to pursue officer positions that I normally wouldn’t have. It has given me the confidence to do anything that I set my sights on."
Lydia Hoffman
Humboldt, SD
Serving as the president of the Residence Hall Association has led me to grow as a leader, mentor and friend.

It’s truly an honor to serve the residents at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and our goal is to make it feel like a home away from home.
The friends that I’ve made and the knowledge that I’ve earned through the RHA is something that I will forever cherish. I hope that everyone gets an opportunity to find something on campus that they love to do whether that be RHA or not.
Batool Ibrahim
Lincoln, NE
I think the moment where my leadership and experiences as a student all honed together to really launch was when I founded the BSU Care Bags initiative.
"It was in the summer of 2020 a lot of us black students were watching George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and it seemed like life after life being lost all across the media. And at the same time, all the national news channels were telling us that black communities in the US were dying at a higher rate because of COVID-19. As a student and as a black woman living in this country, I understood I had a duty to my community.
I think every single leadership experience that I’ve tried to gain or step into since then has been to advance that idea of giving people the resources they need and making sure that there is always a seat at the table."
Taylor Jarvis
Lincoln, NE
The communications skills that I’ve been able to develop have really allowed me to set myself apart in internships.

"I’m the internal vice president of ASUN right now and it’s really let me develop as a leader, figure out my leadership style, and how I’m best able to interact with others and communicate. I’m not going into something government-related right away – I’m going to be a tax accountant. But even so, the communications skills that I’ve been able to develop have really allowed me to set myself apart in the internships that I’ve had because I’m comfortable communicating with people that are higher up in organizations because I do it all the time working with administration at the university."
Madison Maloney
Las Vegas, NV
One on-campus experience has definitely been the learning communities peer mentor—learning all those soft skills like communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving are just so versatile and vital to the workforce and post-grad.

They can just be applied anywhere. It’s an awesome opportunity to practice and strengthen those skills.
Clarissa Mason
Huntley, IL
I think the most transformational experience for me has been the peer mentor position for the Learning Communities. It’s allowed me to work with students in a much deeper, personal environment than I have before.
I’m a pre-med student, with biochem major, so one of my aspirations is to go to medical school. I’ve always been a little nervous about that just thinking about 10, 15 years down the line how that’s going to feel, but I think this position has really opened me up to that idea and concept. It's taught me a lot of how that would work with people.
Alex Neill
Nashville, TN
My favorite student experience with leadership that I’ve been able to take part of has probably been the student advisory board for the housing committee.
We get together and we talk about all of the things that involve student life and what housing has to do with – how RA’s work, how we as students collectively come together and represent the student body of workers within the Housing department. And it’s really cool to see how we can change those types of things, and it gives us the opportunity to really give a voice to the students who may not feel like they have a voice.
Kara Peightal
Through Husker GROW, I’ve definitely been able to know my strengths a lot better. Get what I’m getting out of the job and actually acknowledge what I’m getting out of the job rather than going through the job, doing it and then going on not really knowing what I really got out of it.
Husker GROW has definitely impacted my on-campus experience, not only with my bosses and supervisors along with my coworkers just in that I can become closer with them, have a discussion and really understand what I’m getting out of this job… through community and speaking to each other.
There’s just a lot of different problem-solving opportunities every time that I go into work since I never really expect what’s about to happen that night.
For me personally, I lacked confidence in the beginning, was very shy, didn’t really want to talk to anybody that was giving me a hard time. I really kind of avoided conflict at all cost, but through this experience I’ve been able to acknowledge that I’ve improved and worked on my leadership, my communication and just all around conflict management so that I can work with other people better.
Ellie Russell
ASUN was incredibly impactful not just in friendships but in learning about leadership in general.

"Freshman year I was a part of FCLA. That was incredibly impactful for me because being an out-of-state student I was able to meet 20 other wonderful people and get to connect with them; and take what I thought I knew about leadership in high school to a whole new level and turn it into college leadership. It’s also taught me skills about how to speak in front of large groups of people. I love the people and opportunities [ASUN] gives."
Viangri Sontay Lopez
Grand Island, NE
I’m involved in so many things on campus now that I wouldn’t have been able to do if I didn’t start from the very beginning with NCPA kind of like giving me that carrot stick of ‘you’re going to do great things, but we’re going to have to push you to do those things.'
Most of us are first-generation, which is a pretty big obstacle to complete because a lot of people already know what’s ahead of them. For us, we are first generation, but we already have so many connections on campus that we know who to reach out for and who to go to for academic support, even financial support, or social support, which is definitely very necessary for mental health.
I was a New Student Orientation Leader which is something that Moi had recommended me for. I would have never applied for that! He was just like ‘I think you would be great for this’—and it was one of the best experiences ever. I got to meet new parents. I got to lead in the Spanish life of a Husker sessions, which was speaking in Spanish all day which is something that I don’t get to do on campus. I got to connect with so many, well over a hundred, freshmen students. It really encouraged me to show them that I know this campus, that I’m proud to be here.
Sophia Thomas
Through Husker GROW conversations, I’ve learned that I can use more conflict management, more leadership skills in my future. My major is political science, so I’ll be involved in a lot of group projects and talking to people that I don’t know and am not familiar with.
The stuff I’m learning from being an SA [sports assistant], and learning to get through conflict, will help me be really prepared on the go and not have to stay behind. That way I can be more of a leader.
Christina Trinh
Lincoln, NE
ASUN has really helped me figure out who I want to be as an up and coming professional.

"The leadership experience outside the classroom that has been most transformative for me has been last year when I served as FCLA co-director. Serving in that role was really beneficial because I got to learn about leadership in its truest form. Just being able to grow as a leader by being that role model for 20 other people was such a meaningful experience."