Student Affairs Staff Council


The mission of the Student Life Staff Council (SLSC) is to enhance communication with the Vice Chancellor for Student Life, and to give the Student Life staff a voice to help enhance leadership support, promote a sense of community, and recognize successes in the Division, both individually and collectively.

The purpose of the Staff Council is to:

  • Facilitate communication with the staff and with the Division about important issues facing Student Life;
  • Promote/maintain strong staff connections and effectively integrate new staff;
  • Be a voice for staff to the Vice Chancellor for Student Life and the Division;
  • Support a positive climate of recognition, community and professional development.

Council Members


Mary Kavanmkavan3@unl.eduUniversity Housing
Gary Kimminaugkimmina@unl.eduStudent Life IT
Jessie Matthesjmatthes2@unl.eduASUN Student Government
Gabe Nelsongnelson4@unl.eduCampus Recreation
Jenny Seamansjseamans4@unl.eduStudent Life Business Operations
Kalan Walterskdahir2@unl.eduOffice of the Vice Chancellor for Student Life
Melissa Wulfmwulf2@unl.eduServices for Students with Disabilities
Hollie Swanson
hswanson5@unl.eduOffice of the Vice Chancellor for Student Life