Student Life at University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) has indoor and outdoor event spaces across campus and partners with groups to host over 20,000 events annually. This includes Nebraska Unions, University Housing, Campus Recreation, and outdoor spaces (non-athletic). Student Life is committed to quality customer experience for every event. The policies and procedures outlined below are intended to streamline the event planning process, create consistent event experiences, and efficiencies to help maximize space usage and maintain the integrity of the facilities. Thank you for choosing to host your meeting or event with us, we look forward to exceeding your expectations.
Event Type
University Department/Organizations and Recognized Student Organizations
Any University Department/Organization may reserve space for meetings and events at no charge in Nebraska Unions, University Housing, and non-athletic outdoor spaces as long as it is for their group and not with another entity (see Co-Sponsor/Affiliate). University Department/Organizations wishing to reserve space in Campus Recreation indoor and outdoor facilities may do so by paying the associated space rental fee.
Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) may reserve space for meetings and events at no charge as long as it is for their group and not with another entity (See University Department, Co-Sponsor/Affiliate). RSO’s will need to complete the necessary forms with the office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Community Engagement (SLICE) to reserve space. RSO members will be responsible for planning all details and modification of the reservation. Should the necessary forms or direct RSO member planning not occur, the group will be considered a University Department, Co-Sponsor/Affiliate, or Non-University group.
Any University Department/Organization, Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) requesting to utilize space that is partnering/hosting with a non-University entity will be charged the Co-Sponsor/Affiliate rate.
To qualify as a Co-Sponsor/Affiliate, the non-University entity must present as a title sponsor for the event and/or present formal proof of a financial or in-kind investment to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln entity as a result of the partnership.
The University Department or RSO will be responsible for all financing, details, and modifications of the reservation. The University Department or RSO assumes responsibility for the actions of the organization they are co-sponsoring and will be actively involved and present during the event.
Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in the Non-University rate.
The Nebraska Unions reserves the right to deny space for any requests based on but not limited to similar services already provided by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln or beyond capabilities of the facilities. Exceptions will be reviewed by designated Student Life Leadership.
Non-University of Nebraska-Lincoln
These events are not directly associated with the core mission of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and are not associated with a University Department or Recognized Student Organization (RSO).
The Nebraska Unions reserves the right to deny space for any request from entities not directly affiliated with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. This may be based on but not limited to similar services already provided by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Exceptions will be reviewed by designated Student Life Leadership.
Booking Periods
The booking periods below serve as an overarching guideline for events. Exceptions to these periods may be made at the discretion of reservation staff for special events and to accommodate internal departmental requests.
Recognized Student Organizations
Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) may schedule space one semester in advance for regular meetings. The first date a regular meeting may be scheduled for each semester is as follows:
- March 15 for the Summer Semester
- April 15 for the Fall Semester, and
- November 15 for the Spring Semester.
For annual or special events, RSOs may reserve one year in advance.
University Departments/Organizations and Co-Sponsor/Affiliate
University Departments or Organizations may schedule regular meetings one year in advance and annual or special events two years in advance.
Non-University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Non-University of Nebraska Lincoln groups may schedule one year in advance for meetings, annual, or special events.
Insurance Requirements
A Certificate of Insurance is required for all reservations not sponsored and paid for by a UNL department or Recognized Student Organization (RSO). The Certificate of Insurance requirements are as follows:
- The Certificate of Insurance must be received no later than 10 days prior to the start of the event and must be approved by UNL Risk Management.
- The certificate must provide general liability coverage in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate that names the “Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska” as additional insured.
Failure to provide a valid Certificate of Insurance that meets these requirements by the specified deadline will result in cancellation of the reservation.
Deposit/Reservation Fee
Nebraska Unions and University Housing | All Co-Sponsor/Affiliate and Non-University groups will be charged a non-refundable deposit/reservation fee of 50% of the room charges to confirm the reservation. The deposit/reservation fee will be applied as a credit toward the final charges of the event. All reservations with invoices totaling less than $250 must be paid in full to confirm the reservation.
Campus Recreation | Non-University groups will be charged a non-refundable reservation fee of $100 to confirm the reservation. The reservation fee will be applied as a credit toward the final charges of the event.
Event Planning Requirements
Events Requiring Event Planning Meeting
An event walk through is required for larger events or for Non-University groups. This will be scheduled during the initial planning of the event and need to be made a minimum of 10 business days prior to the event date.
For Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) hosting larger events, the first event contact, RSO Advisor, and any service providers must meet with reservations staff. The goal of this meeting is to discuss and confirm the following details:
- Finalize equipment needs
- Finalize layout of room
- Finalize lighting and audiovisual needs
- Review of decoration/signage policy and approval of items being posted/placed in the room and around the building during the event
- Finalize food and beverages being served and coordination of service
- Review maximum room capacity (this includes the total number of ticket holders, volunteers, and performers)
- Confirm Event Planning and Registration (EPR) has been completed (if applicable)
- Review all co-sponsorships and where they can setup before, during, and after the event
- Review expectations of cleaning up after the event and disposing of trash
- Review other event policies as they apply to the group and type of event being conducted
If applicable, during the event planning meeting a date and time for audiovisual and lighting design meeting will be scheduled.
All change requests need to be made by the first event contact person on the reservation to be considered. Any requests made by other members of the group will be denied. No changes to the lighting or audiovisual may be made after the final audiovisual and lighting design meeting has taken place. A final audiovisual and lighting confirmation will be sent to the first event contact via email.
After the final event planning meeting, a final confirmation will be sent out to the first event contact via email. This confirmation should be reviewed by the group and any changes need to be discussed with the reservations staff.
Nebraska Unions- Room Assignments and Reservation Status
- The Nebraska Unions reserve the right to assign or reassign reservations based on the size of the group, type of program, and space available to assure the maximum and most appropriate use of space.
- Due to the nature of our facilities, events in which there may be the use of sound amplifications, acoustical instruments, singing, loud talking or any other form of audible sounds may infringe upon other events and/or activities taking place within the building or on campus. This is especially true in adjoining rooms that are only separated by doors and/or temporary walls. The Nebraska Unions reserves the right to control the volume levels of an event and limit or discontinue any activity that interferes with the normal and reasonable activity of an authorized event or normal activity on campus. If it is anticipated that noise levels from your event will be heard outside your reserved event spaces, please discuss this with the Nebraska Unions Reservations Office.
- Tentative Hold – a preliminary request to hold a date or room pending more information. Tentative Hold reservations are automatically cancelled by the date specified on the reservation if additional information from the group confirming is not provided to the Nebraska Unions Reservations office. A tentative hold for a reserved date may be placed for a maximum of 10 business days, after which time the sponsoring group must provide the required information needed to confirm the reservation.
Reservations staff reserve the right to deny space usage to a group or event if the event scope is beyond the physical or technical abilities of our staff, facilities, or if security concerns cannot be addressed with reasonable staff coverage.
Reservation requests may also be denied if the organization or event conflicts with the University, State, or Federal policies or regulations.
Changes and Events Occurring Outside of Normal Business Hours
Special Openings
Special Opening fees are applied to event reservations that are to occur on the day the facility is scheduled to be closed. Requests for a special opening need to be made a minimum of 10 (ten) business days prior to the event date. In addition to the rental charges, the following fees will apply:
- $375 for 0 – 5 hours
- $75 each additional hour
Extended Building Hours
Extended building hours are applied to event reservations that either start or end after normal business hours. In general, facilities may not be open before 6:00 a.m. or close after 1:00 a.m., including setup and cleanup time.
Events wishing to occur outside of normal or extended business hours will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and exemptions might be made based on event type, staffing availability, and facility location.
Requests for extended business hours need to be made a minimum of 10 business days prior to the event date. Additional charges will apply for extended building hours based on facility.
Any group remaining after the building’s normal closing time or pre-arranged special hours will be assessed an additional fee for violating policy. The group is expected to promptly leave the building at the conclusion of their reserved time. If clean up still needs to be completed and Nebraska Unions’ staff is able to stay later, the group may remain to finish cleaning up but will still be assessed the additional fee. If the Nebraska Unions’ staff is unable to remain later, the group will need to leave and will be assessed a cleaning fee. (See Additional Charges and Fees)
The Nebraska Unions does not allow overnight events.
Late Bookings
Requests made within 2 (two) business days may be subject to using the room in the condition and layout that exists at that time.
Late Change Policy
All room setups and changes will be completed by event staff members. Should groups need additional event equipment, such as tables, chairs, audiovisual equipment, etc. the first event contact must contact event staff members. Event staff will attempt to accommodate these requests, but staff may not be able to accommodate all late change requests. Groups may not help themselves to event items. Additional charges may be associated with late changes to setups and/or the use of additional equipment.
Weather-Related Policies
Rain Site Policy
In the case of inclement weather, space inside the Student Life event facilities may be reserved as a weather back-up for outdoor events. Space available and if specific activity is permitted indoors will be determining factors if event can be moved inside. A decision needs to be made by 12:00 p.m. of the business day prior to the event date, which location is going to be used for the event.
Interruption or Termination of Event
Student Life administration reserves the right to cancel, interrupt, or terminate any event in the interest of weather-related emergency, public safety, and/or noncompliance with University of Nebraska-Lincoln policies.
Inclement Weather
Nebraska Unions and University Housing | If the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is closed due to inclement weather, all events scheduled in the Nebraska Unions and University Housing facilities will be cancelled. Please refer to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s home page for re-opening information.
Campus Recreation |
- If the University of Nebraska-Lincoln offices are closed and classes cancelled prior to the facility’s opening time. Campus Recreation will open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. All campus recreation classes, events and activities will be cancelled. Rentals and reservations will abide by current facility hours.
- If the University of Nebraska-Lincoln offices are open and classes cancelled prior to the facility’s opening time. Campus Recreation will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday–Friday and 10 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday. All campus recreation classes, events and activities will be cancelled. Rentals and reservations will abide by current facility hours.
- Classes cancelled after facility’s opening time. The facilities will remain open until 8:00 p.m. All campus recreation classes, events and activities will be cancelled. Rentals and reservations will abide by current facility hours.
Lightning Policy
User Groups are responsible for downloading the WeatherBug App on a smart phone – Spark Lightning must be activated.
If there is an indication on the WeatherBug app that lightning is in the area the event organizer and UNL staff will continue to actively monitor the distance of lightning strikes.
- If there is an indication of a lightning strike in the 0-10 mile range on the WeatherBug app, actively will cease IMMEDIATELY and activity will be cleared.
- Activity will only resume if, after 30 minutes, the 0-10 mile indicator has not been illuminated.
Cancellation and No Show
Student Life event spaces are in high demand and space is limited. Late cancellations or no shows prevent others from making use of space. A fee, therefore, will be assessed for space that is not cancelled in a reasonable amount of time or is a no show. Cancellations and No Show timelines and fees are as follows:
Late Cancellation
- Reservations involving a single room must be cancelled by 12:00 p.m., the business day before the scheduled event date.
- Reservations requiring multiple rooms on the same date or multiple days must be cancelled by 12:00 p.m. 10 business days prior to the event date. The entire reservation or any rooms that will not be utilized, must be cancelled by 12:00 p.m., ten business days prior to the event date to avoid penalty.
If the meeting or event falls on Sunday or Monday, the cancellation must be made by 12:00 p.m. on the Friday before the event date. Failure to cancel a meeting will result in the charge of 50% of the non-university rate of the room for Non-University and Co-Sponsor/Affiliate and 50% of the Co-Sponsor/Affiliate rate for RSO and University Departments. Changes to the event date within the cancellation deadline will result in a cancellation fee. Cancellation notification must be done with the Nebraska Unions Reservations Office in person, by phone, or by email.
No Show
Events are considered ‘no show’ when event participants fail to show up or cancel their event. Additionally, groups are not allowed to use the reserved space for functions other than originally reserved. An individual who occupies a room in an effort to circumvent a cancellation fee will still incur the cancellation fee. Failure to show for events and/or use event space as originally confirmed will result in a no-show fee which may be up to 100% of the non-university rate (minimum 50%). Additionally, groups that are considered ‘no shows’ may forfeit the ability to reserve space in the future.
Event Decorations
Student Life recognizes the importance of having the proper décor for a successful event. However, some decorations can be damaging to the facility and/or its equipment. Decorations are defined as something used for decorating, adornment, or embellishment. This includes but is not limited to pictures, posters, paper products, and lighting.
Requirements for Decorating Spaces
- Adhesive, glitter, confetti, confetti cannons, feather boas, excessive feathers, artificial snow, rice, bird seed, sand weights, dance wax, powder, or other similar materials are not allowed.
- The use of incense, candles, fog and fire machines, sparklers, special effects equipment, the burning of any material, or anything producing an open flame/haze/mist is strictly prohibited unless pre-approved by the reservations staff.
- All decorations, displays, and/or signs must be freestanding.
- Nothing can be nailed, tacked, stapled, glued, taped, or otherwise fastened to ceilings, walls, windows, columns, woodwork, painted surfaces, draperies, shades, and doorways. This includes lighting, projectors, microphones, cameras, or projection screens in the rooms. In some facilities, special permissions may be given for using string or blue masking tape to hang decorations from the ceiling and/or to walls.
- If a group would like to hang a banner(s) on the back of the stage or elsewhere, prior permission must be obtained by reservations staff. Banner(s) must be hung and removed with the assistance of Maintenance staff. Arrangements must be made no later than 10 business days prior to the event date.
- Gaffer’s tape or floor tape can be used on wood floors. Prior arrangements will need to be made with the reservation staff to attach items to wood floors.
- Carpet squares or like material must be placed under any decoration, display or sign that could damage floors.
- Any decorations beyond the entrance of the group’s reserved room or on the stairway handrails must be pre-approved by the reservation staff
- Zip Ties are to be used to hang signs from railings with prior approval.
- For this policy directional or event advertisement signs are not considered decorations. Please review the Signage policy for additional information.
- Any painting and/or construction of decorations/displays in the facilities must be approved in advance by the reservation staff.
- Groups are to consult with the reservation staff before using fountains, pools, ice sculptures, or similar decorations.
- Groups are responsible for ensuring that no fluids of any type contact the flooring, including wood floors and carpets.
- Balloon bouquets must be taped, tied down, or secured with something that will not cause damage. Bags weighted with sand are not permitted.
- All exit doors, exit lights, fire sprinkler heads, fire alarm pulls, fire extinguishers, and other emergency or safety equipment must be kept free of obstacles and decorative material. Clear and easy evacuation of the event must always be permitted in the event of an emergency. All halls and stairs must remain unobstructed.
- All decorations must be removed immediately after the event, unless prior arrangements are made with the reservation staff. Trash containers will be provided to assist the group in cleaning up. Group leaving decorations left after an event will incur an excessive cleaning charge. (Please see Additional Charges and Fees)
- If damage or loss occurs to the facility, its furnishing and/or equipment, the group responsible for the reservation will be liable for an excessive cleaning. (Please see Additional Charges and Fees)
- Excessive cleaning and damages include (but are not limited to): Removal of tape, gum, glitter, confetti, food/beverage stains; removal/disposal of balloons, leftover food not in trashcans or bags; repair of furniture, fixtures, floors, walls, ceilings, windows. (Please see Additional Charges and Fees)
- In cases where an outside vendor is providing decorating services or performing for the event, the group must inform the reservation staff at least 10 business days in advance so that the appropriate times are reserved, and space can be set-up prior to their arrival.
- The reservation staff reserves the right to disallow any decorations any time prior to or during an event that may cause damage to the area, be of questionable safety, be sexually explicit, be ethnically/culturally offensive, or conflict with appropriate use of the room.
- Whenever there is a question on the use of something not listed above, it is the sponsoring organization’s responsibility to review with the reservation staff
Additional Decorating/Dress Rehearsal Time
If available, the room may be rented the day before (during normal business hours) for decorating or rehearsal for an additional fee. (see Additional Charges and Fees)
Specific Event Types and Other Event Policies
Nebraska Unions & University Housing - Craft Policy
Groups planning crafting projects such as cards, banners, signs, artwork, etc. will need to let the Reservations office know so appropriate space and tables can be provided for the group. Groups will need to follow the requirements below.
- All tables need to be covered with a tarp or plastic
- Please use only blue tape, if taping covering to the tables or other surfaces of the space. Do not tape on any of the painted surfaces.
- No Glitter, confetti, artificial snow, sand, small beads, or other similar decorations which are difficult to clean up and track easily are not allowed. This includes wax, powder, or similar materials.
- Painting is only allowed in rooms with a hard surface floor along with the following requirements. (No rooms with carpet)
- Prior approval from reservations staff and a completed EPR (Event Planning Reservation)
- All tables are covered with a tarp or plastic to protect the tables and easier clean up
- Disposable brushes and palettes are recommended. If all painting materials are not disposed of at the event, then the group is responsible for removing all the material and cleaning them elsewhere.
- Use of sinks or other water sources to clean out brushes and other materials is not allowed.
- No aerosol paint cans, air brushes, or oil paints
- Soap carving and pumpkin carving are allowed under special circumstances. Groups will need to work directly with the Reservations office for these events.
- Groups are responsible for ensuring no fluids of any type contact the floor.
- Groups are responsible for cleaning up after the event. The Nebraska Unions will provide additional trash containers.
- In the event something does get spilled or damaged please notify the Welcome Desk immediately at 402-472-8056 (Nebraska Union) or 402-472-9366 (Nebraska East Union). This will allow us to treat the area to hopefully prevent permanent damage or assess the damage with the group.
- Any additional clean up or damage to the space(s), may result in a cleanup or replacement charge to the group.
Nebraska Unions - Student Study Rooms
The Nebraska Union and the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center have small conference rooms that can be reserved by current University of Nebraska–Lincoln students for studying provided the rooms are not reserved for a scheduled meeting.
The following rooms can be reserved for studying:
Nebraska Union: Seven Generations/212 and Four Winds/213
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center: First Nebraskans/313, Salon de Libertad/331
- Rooms can be reserved for immediate use in 2-hour block increments.
- Rooms must be re-reserved after each 2-hour block.
- Rooms can only be reserved during normal operating hours and must be vacated 15 minutes prior to a previously scheduled event and/or building close time.
To make your reservation, visit the Welcome Desk on the 1st floor of the Nebraska Union and show your NCard.
Nebraska East Union has five study rooms which may be checked out online ( or by going to the Nebraska East Union Welcome Desk (current NCard will be required). Current UNL and UNMC Dental students may check out a study room for up to two hours for up to two weeks in advance. Rooms are to be use “as is” and any Study Room not in use 15 minutes after a reservation begins may have the reservation cancelled.
The following applies to all study rooms:
- Rooms are only to be used as study rooms and not for group meetings.
- Rooms are used as-is and must be left in the manner in which they are found. If a room is rearranged, you will be fined a minimum of $50.00.
- Any reported damages or missing items will be the responsibility of the student.
- Nebraska Unions staff reserve the right to ask students to vacate the room.
Blood Drive/Bloodmobile Policy
All Blood Drives/Bloodmobiles occurring in Student Life facilities must be scheduled and occur within the Nebraska Unions. Blood Drives/Bloodmobiles will not occur in Campus Recreation or University Housing facilities.
The Nebraska Unions will permit one blood drive and one bloodmobile per Fall and Spring semester in the Nebraska Union and one blood drive per Fall and Spring semester in the Nebraska East Union. The Nebraska Union will permit one bloodmobile during the Summer. Each blood drive/bloodmobile event will be limited to three days or less. The blood drive/bloodmobile must be co-sponsored by Campus Red Cross. Campus Red Cross can give permission for another Recognized Student Organization (RSO) to sponsor a blood drive/ bloodmobile in their place.
The charges for the blood drive/bloodmobile will follow the Co-Sponsor/Affiliate rate. (See Nebraska Unions Fee Schedule)
At the discretion of Student Life Leadership additional blood drive/bloodmobile events may be added, or the length of the blood drive/bloodmobile may be extended to aid emergency situations or extenuating circumstances.
Booth and Outdoor Promotional Table Policy
Booths located inside Student Life Facilities or outdoor promotional tables may be reserved by Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) for publicity, ticket sales, collection of funds, distribution of literature, product sampling, merchandise sales, etc. UNL Departments may reserve booths or outdoor promotional tables for publicity or distribution of literature. All RSO’s need to complete an Event Planning Registration (EPR) to reserve a booth or outdoor promotional table.
- Booth and outdoor table activities are limited to one booth or outdoor table and are constructed to serve one organization. Activities requiring more than one booth or promotional table are considered an event and will fall under the Booth and Outdoor Activity Policy.
- A booth or outdoor table may be reserved no more than three times per week. Specific times are to be given at the time of the reservation so other groups may use the booth or outdoor table either before or after the requested time.
- Booths reserved by any RSO must be staffed only by student members of that group.
- The name of the RSO or UNL Department must be prominently displayed using a poster or banner.
- If the group is planning to have animals at their outdoor table, they will need to have prior approval from the reservation staff and work with UNL Risk Management. Animals are not allowed at a booth inside Student Life Facilities.
- Verbal harassment or loud and boisterous activity is not allowed. Those using the booth or outdoor table are expected to remain behind the booth or outdoor table.
- RSO’s and UNL Departments need to get permission from the reservation staff to have music and/or amplified sound at the time the reservation is made.
- The booths are not to be moved from their current location. Outdoor tables can only be setup in the pre-approved location determined by the reservation staff. All outdoor tables and chairs are to be returned at the conclusion of the reservation.
- Food provided at RSO booths or outdoor tables: with the completion of the EPR process and approval of the reservation staff, RSO’s are permitted to giveaway or sell food/beverages in compliance with the University Wide Food Policy. When tabling inside or outside the Nebraska Union, food may not be in direct competition with the Nebraska Union food vendors (pizza, deli sandwiches, hamburgers, chicken, or Chinese) or the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s exclusive Pepsi beverage contract.
- When tabling inside or outside the Nebraska Union, UNL Department/Organizations providing food at booths or outdoor tables are not allowed to sell food or purchase food from anyone but the Nebraska Unions’ contracted caterer or food vendors. UNL Departments must get permission from the Nebraska Unions Reservations office to give away either purchased or donated food/beverages at the time the reservation is made.
- Student Life does not allow RSO’s or UNL Departments to co-sponsor non-University groups for commercial and informational purposes unless it is part of an educational activity sponsored by the RSO or UNL Department. (See Booth and Outdoor Activity Policy).
- RSO’s and UNL Departments wanting to sell or promote credit cards or anything not within the University of Nebraska-Lincoln or Student Life facility's policy will not be allowed and the reservation staff reserves the right to stop any activities if it violates policy or the safety of individuals.
Car Smash Policy
Groups wishing to smash a car must adhere to the university’s car smash policy.
Dunk Tank Policy
Groups wishing to have a dunk tank as part of their event must adhere to the following:
- All RSO’s must complete an EPR (Event Planning Registration) which will include approval from Risk Management and UNL Police.
- The dunk tank would need to be set up on a hard surface (NOT on grass) and near an area with good drainage. Groups are to consult with the reservations staff to determine best placement of dunk tank and permissions to use a University faucet and hose.
- To fill the dunk tank, the organization will need to have access to a water faucet and hose or filled from a fire hydrant (group would need to contact the Lincoln fire department).
- To prevent possible injuries from a slip and fall, event organizers must keep the splash area around the dunk tank clear of observers and participants. The area where the ladder is located must also be clear to allow quick entry into the tank, in the event of an accident or injury.
- A member of the RSO needs to be present from the time the dunk tank is delivered until it is removed from the premises.
- Below are general rules that must be followed during the operation of the dunk tank.
- The water level in the tank should be kept at least 6 inches from the top.
- Dunkees (participants who will be getting into the tank) must be 18 years or older, able to swim, and sign any necessary waivers from Risk Management.
- Only one person is allowed on the seat or in the tank at one time.
- The dunkee should never stand on the seat.
- The dunkee should be sitting up straight, with hands on lap or knees.
- Observers or participants are not allowed to hold onto the bars or put themselves or any object through the bars.
- Only the operator or event organizer is permitted behind the tank or target area.
- The dunk tank must not be operated during inclement weather, which includes rain, lightning, wind exceeding 15 miles per hour, hail, or temperatures below 40 degrees.
Chalking & Event Signage/Directional Signage
Temporary Outdoor Signs
All events wishing to post temporary, outdoor signs for directional purposes must adhere to the university’s outdoor signage policy.
Chalking Policy
All events wishing to use chalk during their event or to promote their event must adhere to the university’s chalking policy.
Nebraska Unions - Event Signage
Posting of event or directional signage throughout the Nebraska Unions is only permitted with prior approval from the Nebraska Unions Reservations office.
Wayfinding or other signage may not be affixed to any surface in the building, including walls, doors, and restrooms. Event-specific signage should be placed on sign stands provided by the Nebraska Unions. Signage cannot impede egress and should be set against the walls. Please work with the Nebraska Unions Reservations prior to the event to discuss signage needs and placement. Any signs that are not placed in the previously agreed upon location(s) will be removed and the group may be charged a fee. The Nebraska Unions is not responsible for lost, damage, or stolen signage. The reserving group accepts all responsibilities for replacement and the repair cost.
Catering and Food Policy
Nebraska Unions and Willa Cather Dining Complex
All events within the Nebraska Unions and Willa Cather Dining Complex where food is served are required to use the approved, exclusive caterer. No outside food, beverages, or potlucks are allowed except for beverages provided through the Pepsi Experience Fund and food brought in for individual/personal consumption.
Any University Department/Organization or Recognized Student Organization may request an exemption to this policy based on cultural, religious, or ethnic menus. Exemption requests must be submitted at least 21 (twenty-one) business days prior to the event date. Requests will be reviewed and approved/denied by the Director of Dining Services. If approved, the food vendor must be on the UNL Approved Food Vendor list. Vendors will not have access to kitchen or prep space in Student Life facilities. Co-Sponsor/Affiliate and Non-University groups are not eligible to apply for the exemption request.
Special Food/Beverage Exceptions:
University Departments/Organizations, Co-Sponsor/Affiliate, and Non-University groups planning events with a count of 30 or less where food/beverages are served, will not be required to use the exclusive caterer as long as they follow the below requirements.
University Departments/Organizations, Co-Sponsor/Affiliate, and Non-University groups not using the exclusive caterer must:
- Have prior approval from the Nebraska Unions Reservations Office.
- Provide food that has been donated or purchased through an approved food vendor ( No homemade food/beverages.
- Have food delivered to the loading dock or one of the building entrances and have group members take the items from the entrance to the assigned room. Vendors cannot bring the food into the building, setup, or serve the food.
- The UNL Department/Organization, Co-Sponsor/Affiliate, or Non-University group will be responsible for all the cleanup of the space at the conclusion of the event. (See Additional Charges and Fees)
- Cold beverages must be Pepsi products, this includes bottled water.
- Hot beverages must be served from insulated containers or “to go” containers prepared by an approved food vendor.
Failure to follow the Catering and Food Policy will result in a fee. (See Additional Charges and Fees)
Recognized Student Organizations Bake Sales
Any Recognized Student Organization wanting to have a bake sale, must complete an EPR (Event Planning Registration) and follow the University Wide Food Policy section on bake sales.
Campus Recreation
Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) are permitted to contract food for events with approved food provider pending the completion of the Event Planning and Registration (EPR) process and approval by Campus Recreation.
- Cold beverages must be Pepsi products, this includes bottled water.
- Hot beverages must be served from insulated containers or “to go” containers prepared by an approved food provider
- Prior arrangements must be made to use warmers and have access to water. Ice is not available at Campus Recreation facilities.
All events hosted in University Housing spaces using event facilities must contract with University Catering for all food and beverage needs.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Outdoor Spaces
University Departments/Organizations, Recognized Student Organizations (RSO), and Co-Sponsor/Affiliate groups may reserve outdoor spaces on both City and East Campus.
- All reservations for outdoor spaces need to be made, with finalized event details and approvals, no less than 10 business days prior to the event date.
- All cancellations need to be made no later than 12:00 p.m. the business day before the event date. If the event is on Sunday or Monday, the cancellation needs to be made by 12:00 p.m. on the Friday before the event date.
- In the event of cancellation, if equipment has already been set up and/or equipment has been rented such as generators, the group will be responsible for the charges/fees.
- Non-University groups are required to work with an RSO or UNL Department and provide a certificate of insurance.
- Depending on the event, waivers from participants may be required.
- Outside events may be scheduled as early as 6:00 a.m. and must be completed by 12:00 a.m.
- A noise variance may be required for events with amplified sound scheduled past 10:00 p.m.
- If the event is near Residence Halls or Academic Buildings, the group may be required to notify the appropriate Dean or Residence Director.
- All reservations will depend on the weather. If UNL Landscape Services determines the outdoor space is too wet, snowy, etc. to withstand being damaged by the event, the event will be cancelled. A decision will be made as early as possible but since weather can be unpredictable, the decision may not be able to be made until the day of the event. The Nebraska Unions Reservations office will provide as much communication to the event contact as possible. An alternative location or date should be planned.
- Campus green spaces are not designed for athletic events. There are various utility boxes, irrigation equipment, etc. in the lawn that can be tripped on or fallen on causing possible injury. The lawns are not level with dips, holes, tree roots, etc. that can also cause possible injuries. Lastly, the areas serve a lot of students, faculty and staff for their events and we want to prevent damage to the turf which could make the space unusable for the next event.
- Any athletic or sport-like event such as spike ball, tug of war, bubble soccer, human foosball, touch football, 9 Square, kickball, volleyball, Bucketball, Badminton, etc. will not be allowed on outdoor green spaces. These requests will need to be made through Campus Recreation to be played on the appropriate field surfaces. Contact Campus Rec, 402-472-3467 for athletic events.
- Runs and walks are limited to specific routes on City and East Campus and cannot be altered. Runs and walks can only be held on Saturdays or Sundays from 6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Arrangements can be made to have a temporary fence setup for goat yoga. There is an additional cost for the installation and teardown of the fence.
- Due to the likeness of damaging the turf, events with water activities such as water balloons, slip and slides, water games, dunk tanks, etc. are not permitted on green spaces.
- The celebration of Holi and the use of color powder can be held on the 17th Street Green space, pending availability and all necessary approvals are obtained.
- Proper care needs to be taken to protect the landscape turf, plantings, and related facilities.
- If there is damage beyond normal wear and tear to the site, the group will be charged the cost of repairing or replacing the damage. This will be determined by UNL Landscape Services.
- The use of nails, staples, adhesive, tying, etc. to attach objects to the wooden structures, buildings, trees, poles, etc. are prohibited.
- It is the reserving group’s responsibility to ensure the space they reserve is returned reasonably clean and as close to possible to the original condition they found it. If spaces are left unreasonably dirty, the group will be charged an excessive cleaning fee. (See Outdoor Space Charges)
- Trash containers, recycling containers, and picnic tables may be rented from UNL Landscape Services. Requests must be made no later than 10 business days prior to the event. (See Outdoor Space Charges)
- Some events may require trash containers and/or recycling containers. It is the responsibility of the group to pay for the containers.
- Tables and chairs require prior approval at all Outdoor Spaces. Once approved, rental of tables and chairs must be made by the group through a non-University rental company.
- All vehicles must be parked in designated areas and are never allowed on the grass. If you are having anything delivered, the vehicle will need to remain on the street and the delivery carried to the Outdoor Space. Parking arrangements may be made through Parking and Transit Services, 402-472-1800.
- If the event requires electricity, electrical needs must be requested no later than ten business days prior to the event date.
- Access to restrooms may be limited so getting permission to have a building opening for restroom access or rental of portable restrooms will need to be determined at the time the reservation is made.
- Staking into the ground is not allowed unless previous arrangements have been made. All approved tents, inflatables, etc. will need to be weighted down instead of staked.
- Any beverages need to comply with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s exclusive beverage contract.
- Groups serving food need to comply with the University Wide Food Policy.
- The University of Nebraska-Lincoln assumes no responsibility for items, personal or organizational, left unattended.
- The University of Nebraska-Lincoln reserve the right to deny space usage to a group or event if the event scope is beyond the physical or technical abilities of our staff, facilities, or if security concerns cannot be addressed with reasonable staff coverage.
- Reservation requests may also be denied if the organization or event conflicts with the University, State, or Federal policies or regulations.
- Please note the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus is public so there is no guarantee you will be the only individual/group utilizing the area.
- Please see the Outdoor Space Charges for the usage fee or any other costs associated with renting outdoor green spaces.
Temporary Outdoor Signs
Please see the procedures for Temporary Outdoor Signs.
Other Event Policies and Guidelines
Excessive Cleaning, Room Reset, and Damaged/Stolen Items
Full repair or replacement costs will be assessed for all damages, excessive cleaning, and failure for group to reset rooms per the event confirmation. Groups may be given an opportunity to come back and clean if time permits, event setup allows, etc. to avoid cleaning charges. (see Excessive cleaning/Room Reset Fee)
Extremely limited space is available for storage of items in the Student Life event spaces and in most instances, no storage space exists. Prior arrangements must be made to have equipment stored. Student Life is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
Events facilities cannot receive shipments of materials without advance approval from the reservations staff. Items shipped without prior approval will be refused and returned to the sender.
Special Lighting
Requests for specialty lighting or outdoor lighting must make the request during the pre-event meeting (if applicable) or a minimum of 10 business days before the event. Reservations and event staff will try to accommodate lighting requests but due to the schedule of the space and/or availability of the staff, requests may not be accommodated.
Active solicitation of goods and services are prohibited except for groups with confirmed reservations. Groups with confirmed reservations may solicit goods and services but the solicitation must remain in the event space or directly behind booths or tables in confirmed spaces.
Arrangements for parking may be made through UNL Parking and Transit Services by phone 402-472-1800 or online for groups using Student Life spaces.
Animal Policy
All events and event participants must adhere to the policy for animals.
Tobacco Free Campus Policy
University of Nebraska-Lincoln is a tobacco free campus. Additional information can be found here.
Drug Free Campus Policy
University of Nebraska-Lincoln is a drug free campus. Additional information can be found here.
Academic Space
Per Nebraska Board of Regent Policy (5.9.1), academic classes are not permitted to reserve or hold class sessions in student fee funded facilities. One-time special requests maybe permitted with special permission.