Big Red Integrity and the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska are sponsoring a food drive competition for the Huskers Helping Huskers Pantry+.
Donations will be collected through April 24 at bins in Architecture Hall (lobby), Hamilton Hall (Room 227), Agricultural Hall (Room 103), Explore Center in Love Library South, Westbrook Music Building (Room 119), Henzlik Hall (Room 123), Othmer Hall (Room 114), Andersen Hall (Room 147), Oldfather Hall (Academic Grind coffee shop) and Hawks Hall (Room 125). The drive is a friendly competition between colleges across the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
The pantry, located on the third floor of the Nebraska Union, Room 348, offers students a one-stop location to receive food and hygiene items for free. Details about community resources for housing and other food assistance programs are also available at the pantry.