Help Support Students

Student Life Development Fund
Our most valuable tool in helping students is the dedicated staff across the division of Student Life. Your gift to this fund will help us provide continuing education and recognition to the people whose number one priority is serving students.
UNL Student Care and Well-Being Fund
With the help of caring and compassionate professionals and student peers, Huskers can overcome obstacles, embrace adversity and become the best versions of themselves. Your gift will provide the resources students need to navigate personal challenges as they pursue their academic goals. Your gift will increase opportunities for students to make the most out of their NEBRASKA experience.
UNL Student Hardship Fund
You can help make degree attainment possible. Your gift to this fund will help support students facing sudden hardship due to a crisis such as a natural disaster, extreme financial emergency, home displacement or other extenuating circumstances.
UNL Inclusive Community Building Fund
Our diverse, accessible and caring communities strive toward full and equal participation while respecting each Husker’s personal story. Your gift will help students from every background reach their potential and achieve success as they navigate the world around them.
Leadership Development Programs Fund
Student Life at Nebraska provides hands-on learning experiences and unparalleled opportunities that invite students to cocreate their experience. Your gift will benefit students by developing their leadership skills, increasing their community engagement, strengthening their resiliency and creating a sense of belonging.