RSO/Department Required Contact Person Name First Required Last Required Email Required Phone Number Required Date of Event Required Event Start Time Required Event Start Time: Time Required Event End Time Required Event End Time: Time Required Purpose of Event Required Location of Event Required Expected Attendance Required Type of Food to be Served Required Please be specific and list all food items to be served. Beverages to be Served Required Please be specific and list all beverage items to be served. Approved Food Vendor Required Food Service Start Time Required Food Service Start Time: Time Required Food Service End Time Required Food Service End Time: Time Required How will you maintain food safety during your event? Required Please detail the steps your RSO will take to maintain food safety beginning with when the RSO receives the food and/or beverages from the Approved Food Vendor through the end of service at your event.…; Reason for Exception of Food Policy Required - Select -Cultural Food RequirementsReligious Food RequirementsEthnic Food RequirementsOther Provide more information as to why you are requesting an exception for your event. Required Requirements & Responsibilities Person responsible for enforcing these requirements: Ensures compliance with all stipulations governing the exception. Ensures that no alcoholic beverages are served. Accepts all liability. The Sponsoring Organization agrees that it shall be responsible for any claims of injury or damage arising out of the service of food at its event. The Sponsoring Organization further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the Nebraska Unions, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska., and their employees and agents from any claims arising out of the service of food at the event. I have read and agree with the above. Required Read the Nebraska Unions Catering and Food Policy. I, as the representative of the sponsoring organization requesting the exception to the “Nebraska Unions Catering and Food Policy” (linked above), have read and understand the Nebraska Unions guidelines listed above and agree to the terms set forth. Required Leave this field blank